Een Eigen Dierentuin voor Tim - Tim Wants a Zoo

Front cover of the book
Front cover of the book

“Een Eigen Dierentuin voor Tim” is a Dutch children’s book meant to be read to small children. It was written and illustrated by my father (Theo Zwinderman) and published by me to the Apple iTunes Store.

Tim has two passions: drawing and coming up with crazy ideas. This time Tim is drawing animals and he comes up with the crazy idea of having his own zoo. His two mothers fully support him and agree with putting the animals all over the house. But, is it even possible to keep an alligator in the basement?

My role in publishing the book was scanning in the illustrations, making sure the colors appear nicely on iPad screens, proofreading and publishing the book in the iTunes Store. This meant calling the IRS and securing an ISBN. I’ve also translated the book to English, and when this version is ready it will also appear on my blog.

So go and download the book to your iPad today!

And the English version:

these images and and the book are not under the Creative Commons license