

Blog of a nerdy designer

Pokemapping: a simple process to replace personas

Summary for quick readers: personas have problems, but the idea of empathizing with people is nice. With Pokemapping we’ve invented a simple way to replace personas. The goal of Pokemapping is simple: translate findings from research into action and give your teammates a sense of who these people are that use your products. In this article, I’ll give you a simple three-step process for using research findings in design. Excited? I am!

Roam, Bear or Notion: which of these popular apps works for you?

There are a multiple reasons to write notes, such as storing information for later use, making your thoughts concrete and sharing information. There’s a lot of overlap in there: the best way to make thoughts concrete is by sharing them and the best way to store information so you can use it later is by thinking about it. So no surprise that the tools people use have a lot of overlap as well!

Typical design articles. Get your inspiration here for new bullshit!

I love the design community. Really. And I appreciate all the hard work everybody’s doing in producing nice new content for free. Really!! But… Sometimes… Sometimes those articles are a little bit… How should I say? A little bit too predictable? Or too meta? Or too clickbaity? Anyway, decided to have some fun coming up with articles I’d expect to see here on Medium. Enjoy! Feel free to copy one of these titles as a starting point for your next Medium article on design:

Ten note-taking stories from the real world

How we write notes and collect our thoughts I am investigating how real people write notes as an inspiration for finding my own way in note-taking. This is an ongoing project and I am looking for more examples in a survey, but I thought I could share the interesting stories I have already collected! Why start this research? #We are living in the Information Age. More content than you can ever consume is being created every second.

Betere notulen met minder handwerk. Trint to the rescue!

Onderzoek is bij Angi Studio de kern. We voeren voor onze klanten allerlei typen onderzoek uit, maar vaak maken interviews daar een deel van uit. Om die interviews te analyseren, maken we gebruik van notulen. Maar zo’n gesprek annoteren is veel werk. Dat kan nu makkelijker met Trint! Goede notulen zijn belangrijk #Goede conclusies krijgen uit een serie interviews bestaat uit twee simpele sommen: 1. goed interview + goede notulen = goede data 2.

Paaspuzzel 2021

Looking for something to do this easter? I’ve got your back! Work on my easter puzzle, and win a prize! the puzzle is in Dutch! More information

The Radiant Lumière Dress

A future article written by a pretentious fashion reporter, who’s fed up with his modern world. Part of my series of imagined futures . Welcome to my Swan Song. After seven years of writing fashion for the Modern Herald, it is over. Many a reason has led to this decision, with the final straw being wearing a hat for two weeks without knowing it. More on that in my ending epitaph, Fashion First!

Does Europe’s new generation of never-meaters see the rest of us as murderers?

I’m trying out something new: writing speculative futures ! I’m imagining future ‘news clippings’ from newspapers or other media. The goal is to be neutral: not overly optimistic but also not Black Mirror. Looking forward to your feedback! It’s a beautiful spring-day when I arrive at the Aspdamm-school in Stockholm. The sun has created a warm atmosphere in the playground and the children are laughing and playing together. I notice Jenny Nilsson as she’s settling an argument in the sandpit in the back of the schoolyard.

My daughter’s bionic arms

I’m trying out something new: writing speculative futures ! I’m imagining future ‘news clippings’ from newspapers or other media. The goal is to be neutral: not overly optimistic but also not Black Mirror. Looking forward to your feedback! This first article appeared in a the magazine Family Matters, in the column “Parental advice wanted”. A father is struggling with his daughter’s wish for bionic arms… What would you answer? Parental advice wanted #In this column a parent writes in with their question, and other parents write in their advice.

Looking back on 2020

This was one crazy year! Working from home, schooling from home, reduced social contact. But also a year of immense joy as I became father again. I think I can safely say I got to know myself and my family better. Let’s see what 2021 brings… Like 2019 and last year, I’m doing a year-review focused on the stuff I made and did. It again surprised me to see all my work in a write-up, a lot happens in a year!